Dr Malcolm Prentice, Endocrinologist

Dr Malcolm Prentice


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Dr Malcolm Prentice


Dr Malcolm Prentice


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Recommendations for Dr Prentice

These recommendations are for information purposes only. Doctors providing recommendations do so in good faith and are not responsible for clinical outcomes.

Recommended by:

  • byA GP

    Recommended endocrinologist

  • byA GP

    Recommended endocrinologist

  • byDr Angana Jay Nankani, GP

    Very respected

  • byDr Guhendran Ravishankar, GP

    Very credible

  • byProf. Fausto Palazzo, Consultant in Endocrine Surgery

    A sensible and informed endocrinologist.

  • by Mr Brian Little, Ophthalmologist

    Excellent endocrinologist.

  • byA GP

    Recommended endocrinologist

  • byA GP

    Recommended endocrinologist

  • byDr Angana Jay Nankani, GP

    Very respected

  • byDr Guhendran Ravishankar, GP

    Very credible

  • byProf. Fausto Palazzo, Consultant in Endocrine Surgery

    A sensible and informed endocrinologist.

  • by Mr Brian Little, Ophthalmologist

    Excellent endocrinologist.

  • Address

    • Telephone or video consultation


    About Dr Malcolm Prentice

    GMC number: 2248066

    Year qualified: 1974

    Place of primary qualification: University of London

    Other specialists recommended by Dr Prentice