Dr David Wynne Lloyd Davies, Allergy Specialist

Dr David Wynne Lloyd Davies

Allergy Specialist

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Dr David Wynne Lloyd Davies

Allergy Specialist

Dr David Wynne Lloyd Davies

Allergy Specialist

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Recommendations for Dr Davies

These recommendations are for information purposes only. Doctors providing recommendations do so in good faith and are not responsible for clinical outcomes.

Recommended by:

  • byMr Shadi Ghali, Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

    Dr Wynne Davies is an excellent anaesthetist. I always recommend him to my colleagues when they’re looking for someone.

  • by Mr Anthony Silverstone, Consultant Gynaecologist

    I would certainly recommend Dr Wynne Davies as I have worked with him a lot at UCH.

  • byMr Shadi Ghali, Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

    Dr Wynne Davies is an excellent anaesthetist. I always recommend him to my colleagues when they’re looking for someone.

  • by Mr Anthony Silverstone, Consultant Gynaecologist

    I would certainly recommend Dr Wynne Davies as I have worked with him a lot at UCH.

  • Address

    • Telephone or video consultation


    About Dr David Wynne Lloyd Davies

    GMC number: 2639763

    Year qualified: 1980

    Place of primary qualification: University of Wales

    Dr Wynne Davies provides anaesthesia for many different types of surgical specialties, and has been providing anaesthesia for over 30 years.

    Dr Davies qualified from the Welsh National School of Medicine, and has worked at UCL Hospitals NHS trust (formerly The Middlesex Hospital), as a Consultant Anaesthetist since 1991. Dr Davies was an examiner for the Royal College of Anaesthetists from 1999 to 2009, and has held a number of administrative posts within the department of anaesthesia such as Royal College tutor and departmental chairman.

    Dr Davies has practising privileges at all of the major central London private hospitals, and holds an NHS contract at UCL Hospitals NHS trust.

    Areas of expertise

    • Allergy
    • Anaesthetics