Dr Miles Walkden, Radiologist

Dr Miles Walkden


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Dr Miles Walkden


Dr Miles Walkden


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Recommendations for Dr Walkden

These recommendations are for information purposes only. Doctors providing recommendations do so in good faith and are not responsible for clinical outcomes.

Recommended by:

  • by Mr Hashim Uddin Ahmed, Urologist

    Recommended radiologist

  • by Mr Hashim Uddin Ahmed, Urologist

    Recommended radiologist

  • Address

    • The Harley Street Clinic

      35 Weymouth Street, London, W1G 8BJ

    • The Princess Grace Hospital

      42-52 Nottingham Place, London, W1U 5NY

    About Dr Miles Walkden

    GMC number: 4436845

    Year qualified: 1997

    Place of primary qualification: University of London

    Dr Miles Walkden is an experienced Consultant Radiologist, specialising in Uroradiology and Interventional Oncology. He leads the renal ablation service at University College Hospital (UCH) and the Royal Free Hospital. Dr Walkden has a specific interest in renal ablation, prostate artery embolization, and andrological imaging, including varicocele embolization.

    Dr Walkden is actively involved in research and has published multiple articles in esteemed medical journals, such as Clinical Radiology and the British Medical Journal. His research primarily focuses on renal cryoablation, image-guided biopsy, prostate artery embolization, and andrological imaging.

    After graduating from Guy's and St Thomas' London in 1997, Dr Walkden trained as a surgeon and became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh in 2002. He then became a fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists in 2007, having trained in Interventional Radiology at St Georges and UCH.

    Dr Walkden runs interventional radiology clinics, ensuring patients are fully informed about procedures and outcomes before and after treatment. His dedication to patient care and his expertise in advanced radiological procedures make him a highly respected figure in his field.

    In his spare time, Dr Walkden enjoys farming, improving his sheep-shearing skills, and spending time with his family.

    Areas of expertise

    • Tumour Ablation
    • Interventional radiology
    • Complex vascular access
    • Kidney ablation