Prof. James Hull, Consultant Respiratory Physician

Prof. James Hull

Consultant Respiratory Physician

Prof. James Hull PhD FRCP FACSM

Consultant Respiratory Physician


Prof. James Hull

Consultant Respiratory Physician PhD FRCP FACSM


Areas of expertise

  • Respiratory medicine (lung)
  • Asthma
  • Chronic debilitating cough
  • Shortness of breath on exertion
  • Unexplained breathlessness

Recommendations for Prof. Hull

These recommendations are for information purposes only. Doctors providing recommendations do so in good faith and are not responsible for clinical outcomes.

Recommended by:

  • byDr Dean Creer, Consultant General and Respiratory Physician

    Dr James Hull is a Recommended Respiratory Specialist.

  • by Dr Tushar Salukhe, Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist

    Dr James Hull is a respiratory physician in dysfunctional breathing and provides a very unique and informed opinion on breathing disorders.

  • byDr Dean Creer, Consultant General and Respiratory Physician

    Dr James Hull is a Recommended Respiratory Specialist.

  • by Dr Tushar Salukhe, Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist

    Dr James Hull is a respiratory physician in dysfunctional breathing and provides a very unique and informed opinion on breathing disorders.

  • Address

    • Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health

      170 Tottenham Court Rd, Bloomsbury, London, W1T 7HA

    • The Princess Grace Hospital

      42-52 Nottingham Place, London, W1U 5NY

    • Telephone or video consultation


    About Prof. James Hull

    GMC number: 4736662

    Year qualified: 2000

    Place of primary qualification: University of London

    Prof. James Hull is the clinical lead for the chronic cough and unexplained breathlessness services at the Royal Brompton Hospital, London. He has a specialist interest in addressing breathing issues that limit physical activity.

    Prof. Hull completed his undergraduate training in exercise physiology and medicine at St George's Hospital Medical School in 2000. He then pursued specialist training in general and respiratory medicine in London, and in 2010, he completed his PhD in physiology.

    Between 2011 and 2012, Prof. Hull served as a National Institute for Health Research Clinical Lecturer and spent time at UCLA, Los Angeles. Since 2012, he has been working as a Consultant Respiratory Physician at the Royal Brompton Hospital.

    Prof. Hull's areas of expertise include chronic debilitating cough, persistent throat symptoms, unexplained shortness of breath, and breathing problems during exercise. He also has specialist expertise in helping athletes with respiratory symptoms and is currently collaborating with the International Olympic Committee and the English Institute of Sport as a respiratory expert.

    His clinical interests encompass a range of diseases, medical tests, and treatments, including laryngoscopy, exercise testing, lung function, asthma, cough, unexplained breathlessness, and exercise physiology.

    Prof. Hull is dedicated to improving the respiratory health of his patients and is highly regarded in his field for his extensive knowledge and compassionate care.

    Areas of expertise

    • Asthma
    • Athletes with respiratory symptoms
    • Breathlessness
    • Chronic debilitating cough
    • Exercise breathing problems
    • Exercise physiology
    • Persistent throat symptoms
    • Respiratory medicine (lung)
    • Shortness of breath on exertion
    • Throat closure
    • Troublesome Cough
    • Unexplained breathlessness
    • Vocal cord dysfunction and throat symptoms
    • Wheezing

    Professional memberships

    American Thoracic Society
    UK Anti-doping
    English Institute of Sport
    Association for Respiratory Technology & Physiology

    Articles by Prof. James Hull

    Clinical patterns, recovery time and prolonged impact of COVID-19 illness in international athletes

    Your patient has an ‘exercise associated wheeze’… it might not be asthma!

    How a whiff of fresh paint put this woman in hospital

    Feasibility of portable continuous laryngoscopy during exercise testing

    British thoracic society guideline on pulmonary rehabilitation in adults

    Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction

    Assessing laryngeal function and hypersensitivity

    Exercise and the total airway

    Now it's go time

    Respiratory health in athletes: facing the covid-19 challenge

    Inducible laryngeal obstruction

    Cough in exercise and athletes

    Anti-doping policy, therapeutic use exemption and medication use in athletes with asthma

    Breathless athlete: exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction

    Struggling to concentrate? Breathe through your nose