Dr Edward Langford, Cardiologist

Dr Edward Langford


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Dr Edward Langford


Dr Edward Langford


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Recommendations for Dr Langford

These recommendations are for information purposes only. Doctors providing recommendations do so in good faith and are not responsible for clinical outcomes.

Recommended by:

  • by Dr Anthony Jenkins, Gastroenterologist

    Ed Langford is a highly competent cardiologist who gives a balanced and sensible opinion.

  • by Mr Joseph Ellul, Colorectal and Laparoscopic Surgeon

    Excellent clinician with superb bedside manner and attention to detail.

  • by Dr Anthony Jenkins, Gastroenterologist

    Ed Langford is a highly competent cardiologist who gives a balanced and sensible opinion.

  • by Mr Joseph Ellul, Colorectal and Laparoscopic Surgeon

    Excellent clinician with superb bedside manner and attention to detail.

  • Address

    • Video Consultation


    About Dr Edward Langford

    GMC number: 3243309

    Year qualified: 1987

    Place of primary qualification: Cambridge University and King's College School of Medicine

    Dr Langford is a highly experienced Consultant Cardiologist, appointed in 1998 at Bromley and King's College Hospitals. He qualified from Cambridge University and King's College School of Medicine, and completed his training at King's, St Mary's, and Guy's hospitals.

    Dr Langford has been instrumental in developing a high-quality non-invasive Cardiology service and establishing coronary angiography and permanent pacing at Princess Royal University Hospital. He has also served as the Clinical Director for Vascular Medicine at South London Healthcare NHS Trust. Currently, he is the Internal Medicine Training Programme Director at the Princess Royal.

    Dr Langford's expertise spans the entire field of Cardiology, both in NHS and private practice. His areas of specialisation include heart failure, valve disease, and heart rhythm disorders. He has a particular interest in managing Cardiology in pregnancy, ensuring the best outcomes for both mother and child.

    Dr Langford treats a wide range of conditions, including general cardiology, coronary artery disease, heart disease in pregnancy, heart valve disease, heart failure, and arrhythmias. His comprehensive approach to patient care and his dedication to advancing cardiology services make him a leading specialist in his field.