Mr Barry Maraj, Urologist

Mr Barry Maraj


Mr Barry Maraj


Mr Barry Maraj



Recommendations for Mr Maraj

These recommendations are for information purposes only. Doctors providing recommendations do so in good faith and are not responsible for clinical outcomes.

Recommended by:

  • by Mr Chetan Bhan, General and Colorectal Surgeon

    Recommended Urologist

  • by Mr Joyti Saksena, Hip, Knee & Sports Surgeon

    Recommended Urologist

  • by Mr Chetan Bhan, General and Colorectal Surgeon

    Recommended Urologist

  • by Mr Joyti Saksena, Hip, Knee & Sports Surgeon

    Recommended Urologist

  • Address

    • Video Consultation


    About Mr Barry Maraj

    GMC number: 3267084

    Year qualified: 1987

    Place of primary qualification: University of Glasgow

    Mr Barry Maraj is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at the Whittington Hospital NHS Trust and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at UCL and Royal Free University. He serves as the Laparoscopic Urological Surgeon at the Whittington Hospital and is a mentor for the Caribbean Urology Association (CURA).

    Mr Maraj completed his medical training in 1987 at the Glasgow Medical School. He then trained in general surgery in the west of Scotland, gaining valuable experience in vascular and plastic surgery. He undertook a research training fellowship in Leeds, culminating in a PhD in cancer biology at a molecular level. His research has led to extensive publications and presentations at various conferences and courses.

    Mr Maraj is a strong advocate for research and innovation in the medical field. He collaborates closely with Professor James Malone-Lee in the assessment and management of lower urinary tract disorders. He has published several papers on the use of anti-wrinkle injections for bladder complaints. His research also includes work on nanotechnology and prostate cancer in association with the Royal Free Hospital.

    Mr Maraj's commitment to research and continuous learning drives him to offer individually tailored treatment options to his patients. His areas of expertise include minimally invasive surgery, laser treatment for BPH and kidney stones, ureteroscopy, PCNL, and endourology. He has a particular interest in the biology of cancers affecting the urinary tract, high-energy treatment for stones and prostate enlargement, chronic pelvic pain, recurrent urinary tract infections, men's health, and PSA.

    Outside of his professional life, Mr Maraj enjoys tennis, cricket, jogging, and swimming. He builds his own radio-controlled vehicles and has a keen interest in the history of ancient and lost civilisations.