Dr Alice Gillams, Radiologist

Dr Alice Gillams


Dr Alice Gillams


Dr Alice Gillams



Recommendations for Dr Gillams

These recommendations are for information purposes only. Doctors providing recommendations do so in good faith and are not responsible for clinical outcomes.


About Dr Alice Gillams

GMC number: 2701592

Year qualified: 1981

Place of primary qualification: University of Bristol

I trained in Radiology at The Royal Free and Middlesex Hospitals. I then spent 3.5 years in Boston, USA working on MRI and MRI research.
I returned to the Middlesex in 1996 and started working on tumour ablation.

I am an internationally recognised expert on tumour ablation and have published some of the largest series in the world of ablation in both liver and lung metastases. Having performed tumour ablation for over 16 years I have experience of thousands of cases and the largest practice in the UK.

My main interests are music, art, travel and aviation.

Areas of expertise

  • Percutaneous
  • Image guided tumour ablation
  • Cancer imaging
  • GI Imaging